Wednesday, November 20, 2019

ORGANISATIONS AND BEHAVIOUR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ORGANISATIONS AND BEHAVIOUR - Essay Example It explains why human needs change with time but not how. These theories help the managers to understand the specific factors that would motivate the employee to perform better. Content Theories includes: This theory indicates a hierarchy of human needs where satisfaction of lower level need motivates individual to achieve higher-level need (Thompson, 1996, pp.10). The hierarchy includes following needs: This theory state that managers believe in either â€Å"Theory X† that employees dislike work and tend to avoid it or in â€Å"Theory Y† that employees appreciate work and are self motivated (Goldsmith School of Business, n.d). Herzberg, in his two-factor theory described hygiene factors as the factors which do not motivate employees for better performance at work; however, their absence can lead to dissatisfaction from the work. In the hygiene factor, he placed factors like pay, job satisfaction, work environment and company policies (Thompson, 1996, p.13-14). It would be correct to consider pay as the most important of hygiene factor. An individual works to earn a living and finance his needs so money is the main aim behind an individual job. Among the entire hygiene factors, all are negotiable for an individual besides his pay. Usually, an individual in need of money would not mind working in an unstable work environment without any job satisfaction if the money is right for him. However, it varies with the individual, as an individual who works with the perspective to learn like an internee would place more importance to job satisfaction then pay. Therefore, importance of factors is variable with the individual concerned but generally, pay is the most important hygiene factor. Pay is definitely an important tool for managers to increase motivation however; it is a very short-term tool and does not guarantee long-term motivation. This is because with

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