Thursday, July 25, 2019

Describe how competition and total quality are affecting Essay

Describe how competition and total quality are affecting organizational behavior - Essay Example On the other hand, it may be very useful in improving interaction of people who are located at far distances (French, 2011). Competition is usually evident in the conduction of an activity with potential benefit to the winner. In spite of it being aimed at increasing employees motivation in his/her work, it can lead to rivalry and jealousy between the competitors. When such issues arise, they reduce the interaction and bond between the employees. This usually have adverse effects on the overall performance of the organization especially in assignment required combined effort from the employees for success to be achieved. There is significant change in organization from past to the current situation. One of the aspects that have changed completely is that of culture integration. In the past, there was no much integration of employees from different cultures. This bonded the employees together and made it easier to manage organization behavior. Currently, many organization embrace multicultural practices, which are not totally accepted by some people. This poses a challenge in managing the organization behavior. Moreover, the mode of governance of organizations has changed from dictatorship to dictatorship with good interaction with employees. Thus in order to manage organizational behavior effectively, the leaders should be flexible and dynamic (Pilati & Tosi,

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